Friday 24 March 2017









Wednesday 8 March 2017

Why we teach cooking? It's a important life skill

As a children playgroup center, we have been teaching children how to cook with minimal help from adult. We try to let them do as much as they can independently. 

Teaching them how to bake and cook is different from teaching them how to finsih homework, it doesn't apply on exam and there's no result to show on an exam paper. So why we put so much of effort teaching it? Not only because the children love it and enjoying doing things in the kitchen. 

It's a important life skill. We all grow up for a purpose that we learn how to take care of ourself and others. Children need this achievement even at their young age. This would help to let them feel identified and confident. Children culinary ain't only about playing and making nice food, it's also an important part for them during the growing stage. 

After few months of learning, we see the progress of the children, they are confident to share with others how to make the food. Most importantly, they are more than happy to share their food happily.

Life skill isn't only about make a living, also to care about others in our life.